I hope you dance♡

I am at a place where I have learned that you create the life you want.  You see that is the thing about life, about achievement…you just go out and do it.  My grandpa told me when I was younger to just do my own and thats the only way to do it.  You may look up to someone like they are special, but they are the same as you.  Human. 

Everything that is happening in our world right now can be confusing.  You question weather you are right or wrong but let me tell you that God is the only opinion that matters!  This walk is hard, but the hardest walk always builds charcter.  You want to be surrounded by the right people in your life.  You have qualities only a few can admire.  You have character and strength only few can understand because most have never experienced.  Do not settle to follow the rest of the world.  Never engage under peer pressure. For we are not of this world.  Even if the world makes an issue seem out of good doing…find your own way to do good in the world.

The wolf on the top of the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.  A quote I have always admired from a friend.

Sometimes it is okay to be a lone wolf to fight your own battels.  You can’t find the whole world battles.  Many children in the world are going hungry, people are fighting, families are broken.

To tell you the truth I hate this world.  The evil of this world. There is beauty but that beauty lays at the feet of Jesus! As a child of Christ, I should hate it because the Lord has given me this gift..not being of this world.  Where that with honor. 

Be curious…pick up a book.  Learn and be a model.  Make a commitment.  Make a commitment to the Lord!  Find joy in the little things and feel joy in the big world we live in. My favourite feeling in the whole world is standing in the bell tower of Scared Heart on Paris.  You look down and see the whlle city below you and truly I think it is the most beautiful view of Paris.  You know the feeling you get when you stand in the mountain’s or when you look out to the ocean and you feel small, but in the best way.  That feeling of butterflies in your stomach before going onstage! This is the life God wants us to experience not the pain.  Please know that the Lord does not cause pain but He does allow us choose a path with resistance.  He knows that those who make the choice to choose that path will walk out on the other side with a smile! He wants you to walk that path no matter how less traveled it may be, when you take that first step you become the charcter your meamt to be!

Never loose your wonder! When you find yourself in a world of choice I hope you chose to dance!

